

Saturday, February 2, 2013

2/2/13: Orb Factory Crafts for Boys and Girls

My kids absolutely love making crafts.  I received one craft for each of my children from The Orb Factory.  They loved both of them, and had fun creating with each others crafts.  My daughter received the Plus Craft BFF Pillow.
 My son received Sticky Mosaics Robots.  Their videos below will show how easy and fun these crafts are.  Plus read on to see how you can win one of these two fun and easy crafts.
Let me start with the BFF Pillow.  I absolutely loved this!  It is a super easy fabric-by-number craft.  You use a little stylus (seen in Lauren's hand) to push small pieces of fabric in to spots on the pillow.  No sewing involved!  This is music to my ears as I do not sew.
 There are circles on the pillow labeled with a 1, 2, 3, or no number.  Each number is matched with a color of fabric.  One for white, two for light purple, and three for dark purple.  The empty numbered spots are filled with cute little flowers that you can decorate with rhinestones.
Lauren though the flowers were so fun to decorate with.  Plus she was very excited to put one of her favorite pictures from Disney in the picture spot.
 As I said Evan wanted to try it out too.  He really thought it was cool too.
Here is an adorable video that Lauren did for me to show you how easy it is to create the BFF Pillow.
Then there are the Robots.  These are done just as easily as the pillow and lots of fun.
 There are small mosaic foam pieces that match to numbers.  The numbers are easily marked on the robots.
 Plus there are 10 FlipMotion stickers that are 3D.  These are super cool.
 Evan loved doing this so much he decided to do all of them in one night.  They do give you extra mosaic stickers so don't worry about running out.  We also learned that if you put the wrong color on, which Evan did on one robot, it is easy to remove them and stick them to the correct place.
Here is Lauren working on her Robot too.
 Evan had so much fun putting them together.  Plus they come with stands so he is proudly displaying them in our house.
 Here is an awesome video by Evan showing you how to make these super cool robots.

Want to win one of these sets?  
Disclosure:  I received both of these crafts for review purposes from The Orb Factory.  No other compensation was received and all opinions are my own.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I think my daughter would like the BFF pillow a lot.

  2. bff pillow as she loves doing crafts debbie jackson
    djackson1958 at hotmail dot com

  3. My son would love the Robot Craft! He loves robots!

  4. I have three boys so my choice would be the Robot Craft.

  5. The BFF Pillow...Thank you

    pattifritz2000 at yahoo dot com
    thank you

  6. my daughter woudl love the BFF pillow she alwsy talk about her bff this would be great

  7. I would choose the BFF Pillow for my daughter as she has never really been into robots.


  8. The Robot craft since my son loves all things robot :)
