

Saturday, February 9, 2013

2/9/13: Super Duper Publications Fun Learning Materials for Kids and Win

You have probably heard about the huge Nor'easter that hit us here in Boston.  It has been a crazy few days with bans on driving and we got about 30 inches of snow!  What better way to pass the time than to play games with the kids.  There is a great company Super Duper Publications that has fun learning materials and games for kids.  Read on and you can win a $50 Gift Certificate for their site.  We were able to try out Ring Bling which is one of their learning games.
Super Duper Publications was previously only available to educators child therapists but now their eCatalog is available to everyone and has categories for all types of learners.  They even have iPhone Apps.  The kids had so much fun playing this and loved the rings it comes with.  There are sports and dinosaur rings too so boys have fun playing also.  The design of the game is super cute!
Kids choose a card and act out the hilarious directions.  They then spin the spinner and can get one or two rings or have to give one to a friend.  You then get to put your ring on the Happy Hand.
It involves reading of cards and then being creative and pretending based on funny card descriptions.  Here you can see one of the Happy Hands with some rings.  You are supposed to win with 12 rings but my kids wanted to keep playing so we used the extra rings we had that were from a 4th player.  
There are 50 cards in three categories: Basic Directions – Beat your chest like an angry gorilla. Conditional – If you like brownies, bark like a dog. Temporal – After you wave your magic wand, turn yourself into a monkey.
My kids really enjoyed playing and couldn't wait to play it again.  I had fun too.
Here it is as packaged.
Also as being one of my readers you can save 15% on any items on their website until March 31st by using the promo code:  KSBLOG142
Another item we received is First 100 Sight Words.  
 We are always trying to find fun ways to teach Sight Words and expand the words our kids know.  These are perfect for my kindergartner as she is just starting to learn her sight words at school.  
 It is also good to help continue my 2nd grader's learning.
It is great to have this whole set with cards that can be mixed and matched to make sentences.  Plus it made for fun competition between Evan and Lauren with the deck of cards and who could say the most the quickest.
 Here it is as packaged.  This is just a sampling of cool learning products that can be found at Super Duper Publications.  You can find lots of great products focusing on all learning areas.
Win $50 of any products from their website by entering below.
Disclosure:  I was provided these games for review purposes.  No other compensation was received and all opinions are my own.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I believe my girls would LOVE the Ring Bling game! It also seems like a pretty fun game to play :-)

  2. I like Say and Do vocabulary bingo!

  3. I would like to get the 500 Prefixes, Suffixes, and Stems Super Fun Deck

    abfantom at yahoo dot com

  4. I would like the Inferencing Quick Take Along.

  5. My son is autistic and I am thrilled to see a whole section of items for autism!!! Specifically I've got my mind on the Speech Steps.

  6. I'd like the whole Chipper Chat series of products!

  7. i would like the Dice Dude Combo

    susansmoaks at gmail dot com
    tony l smoaks on rafflecopter
