

Thursday, March 14, 2013

3/14/13: School Art Show

Tonight was our school's Art Show which I have been running for the last three years.  This year I had both Lauren and Evan in the show as Lauren is now in Kindergarten and Evan is in 2nd Grade.  It was a wonderful night and I am always so overwhelmed at how talented the kids at our school are.  The art was amazing and I did not envy the judge's job to pick the winners.  I absolutely love checking out how creative our students can be.
 Evan loves the Titanic.  So of course when it came to his Art Piece that was the first thing he thought of.  I thought it looked awesome.
 Lauren decided to make a Hello Kitty.  We had a lot of fun making it as the head was too big at first and Hello Kitty looked really scary.  We laughed away as she worked on it.
 It was a wonderful turn out and we had 70 entries in the show.  We had a dessert reception and it was great hearing everyone go around and comment on all of the art pieces.
 Evan was a huge help with handing out programs and also helped me and my volunteers with Art setup.
 Here are the Kindergarten artists.  They were so cute.  We had a great showing from Lauren's class as 5 of the entries were from her class.
 Here are the 2nd Grade artists.
 Lauren was thrilled as she won.  She will now move on to the Town-Wide Art Show.
 Evan needed some cheering up.  He didn't win but he had tough competition.  We loved his art piece and as I said the judges had a hard time picking winners.
 What a wonderful night!  I hope everyone had a great time, I know I did.

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