

Saturday, March 2, 2013

3/2/13: It Is Broke, So Do Fix It

My little man hadn't really had any severe injuries ever.  On Wednesday night he was at his last basketball practice of the season and in a moment that changed.  After colliding with another child on the team shoulder to shoulder he was hurting.  He wouldn't raise his arm which was a huge red flag, but he didn't cry or scream in pain.
 We headed right to the ER after a quick call to the doctor.  All the while I was thinking they will just send us home with an ice pack and say he is fine.  But I always error on the side of caution when it comes to the kids being sick so I didn't question going in.  I did question though, if something was broken wouldn't he be in a ton of pain and crying?  I also had thoughts of a trip to the ER involving hours and hours of waiting around.  I was pleasantly surprised and amazed at how great Winchester Hospital was.  To start they have a valet to park your car if you are going to the ER.  How cool is that especially when you are in a panic?  When we walked in we were directed to go in to a room to have him checked over.  They quickly took his vitals and already prepped his arm with a blanket under it.  From there within 5 minutes we were taken to X-Rays and then directly to a room.  Everyone was so nice to Evan and treated him wonderfully seeing a bit of fear in his eyes.  He was in great spirits making jokes with me as we waited for the doctor.
 I have to admit, I was surprised when the doctor came in and told me he had a broken collarbone.  At that moment my heart sank a little as a bit of panic came over me.  What I then learned is that apparently it is very common in kids and actually according to the doctor it is the best bone for them to break.  It heals itself within 2-3 weeks keeping the arm in a sling.  We have an appointment with an orthopedist in 2 weeks to take x-rays and see how he is doing and if it is healed.  They made sure to tell him that he should eat lots of ice cream to heal the bones which he was very happy about.  Here is Evan with his decorated sling.  I had blogged about Gutzy Gear in the past and here he is using his Gutzy Gear on his sling instead of his backpack.  This brightened his spirits.
He missed his last basketball game but went today to cheer his team on. 
We know he will be back to playing and his normal self in no time.


  1. Little warrior ! Bless his heart :D Hope he feels better soon.

  2. Oh! Bless him! I sure hope he isn't in much pain...give him hugs from me...thank you
