

Saturday, March 23, 2013

3/23/13: Lauren Wins The Town-Wide Art Show

Today was our Town-Wide Art Show for all six elementary schools in town.  Lauren won at our elementary school so her piece moved on to the Town-Wide and we were very excited that she won today.  I coordinated the Art Show at our school and did all the setup for the Town-Wide.  The Art these kids make is amazing.
 Here is Lauren getting her ribbon and pop which were given to all participants in the show.
 I had the fun of lining up the kids on stage.  Here is Lauren with some of the Ditson kids.
 Here is a larger group of the Artists from our school.
 We couldn't believe it, she was one of the winners for Kindergarten!
 Here she is with her medal and certificate for her win.
 Here she is with her Hello Kitty.  Note the Hello Kitty outfit to match.
 Here she is with one of her classmates who also won.  Our school did extremely well with 9 town-wide winners!
 So glad another Art Show is done and was so successful.

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