

Monday, March 4, 2013

3/4/13: Monkeez Makes a Difference - Win One!

CONTEST CLOSED:  Congratulations to Jaque for winning!
My kids loved stuffed animals of all sorts.  I was excited when I saw Monkeez has an initiative called Monkeez Makes A Difference to teach children to help others.  Monkeez and their line of toys teach philanthropy to kids by providing a 10 percent donation on each child’s behalf to one of three nationally renowned charities of his or her choice, including Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation, Samaritan’s Purse and Best Friends Animal Society.  How wonderful is that???  Read on to win one of your very own mini plush Monkeez!
Here is Lauren having fun with hers.  Of course she picked one that is purple as it is her favorite color.  Her Monkeez name is Lottie and Lauren loves that she has magnets in her hands so she can hang on to her or even hang on to the fridge.
It is so hard to have kids appreciate a sense of giving.  At a young age everything is about them and they have a hard time understanding others situation.  Monkeez Makes a Difference gives children the opportunity to learn and practice giving back while having fun. The Monkeez Makes a Difference tag is on specially marked designs and has an online game activation code on the tag.  With an adult’s help, children follow the instructions on the tag and visit  They then get to enter the code, view videos about the charities and once they chose the charity they want to contribute to it unlocks and interactive and educational online world!!!  Our Monkeez decided to play Twister with Lauren!
Monkeez Makes a Difference has donated $67,000 total to the three charity partners!!!
It’s the gift that truly keeps on giving.”For more information or to order: Visit or the online store.
Enter the Rafflecopter Giveaway below to win a mini plush toy.
Disclosure:  I was provided with Lottie for review purposes.  No other compensation was received and all opinions are my own.


  1. I would contribute to Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation

  2. Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation is one of our favorite charities and we would definately donate more if we could.

  3. Best Friend's Animal Shelter

    pattifritz2000 at yahoo dot com
    thank you

  4. Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation

  5. Samaritan's Purse. I really like that organization. We do Operation Christmas Child every year.

  6. I would contribute to Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation

  7. I would contribute to the Best Friend's Animal Society.
    lauraemerson17 at yahoo dot com
