

Saturday, March 9, 2013

3/9/13: PAAS and Heinz Coloring Easter and Contributing to Make-A-Wish

One of our favorite activities to do at Easter is to color eggs and decorate them.  When I think of coloring eggs I automatically think of PAAS Egg Decorating Kits.  This year I was able to receive an assortment of them and wanted to share our creations with you and some exciting charitable work that Heinz and PAAS are doing together.
First off we received the PAAS color cups.  The cool thing is that they come with several cups to color eggs in, plus wire holders for eggs, egg dying tablets and a magic crayon.
Here is Evan using his favorite color blue.  For the brightest colors we followed the directions where you put 3 tablespoons of Heinz Distilled White Vinegar in the cup with the tablet.  Once the tablet dissolves you add 1/2 cup water.  I also learned that if you add 2 tablespoons of Heinz Distilled White Vinegar per quart of water before placing the eggs in the pot it will prevent them from cracking and will help with shells peeling off later.  You can learn other Egg Decorating Tips here.
 Lauren had fun coloring eggs too.
 Lauren made this heart with the magic crayon.  She used a stencil and colored in the heart and when you dye the egg the section that you use the magic crayon on will not turn the color.
Here is the full assortment of items I received.  PAAS has a lot of cool new sets and Heinz White Vinegar even has Easter Eggs on it's label.  What a perfect combination.
Until March 31st if you go to and decorate a virtual Easter egg Heinz and PAAS will donate $1, up to $25,000 to Wake-A-Wish!  The app is also available in the iTunes App Store for iPad.  Here is the one we created and shared with our friends and family.
Tweet the following to have your friends do the same:   Dye, decorate and share digital PAAS® Easter eggs at their website, and they will donate to Make-A-Wish®.
We also received PAAS Deggorating Doodles to decorate our eggs.  They also came with color tablets and a stencil.
 Both kids liked coloring on their eggs.
My favorite item was one that is new for 2013 which is the Touch of Velvet.  You use these small stickers that you place on to the egg.
You remove the white part and it leaves a sticky film that looks like the sticker.  You push the flocking powder on to the sticky party and it sticks to the design.
Look at how cool this comes out!
The kids had a great time decorating eggs, and so did I!
Here are all of our creations.  We also received Volcano Eggsplosion which is a kit that uses melted crayon shavings to provide instant color.  This is done with hot eggs.  We didn't try that one out yet but will be sure to before Easter comes.
Like PAAS on Facebook here:
Follow them on Pinterest to get great Egg Decorating ideas:
Disclosure:  I received all these products for review purposes.  No other compensation was received and all opinions are my own.

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