

Saturday, May 4, 2013

5/4/13: Evan's 1st Communion

Today was Evan's 1st Communion at the same church I had my 1st Communion, John and I got married, and both of our kids were baptized.  Evan is wearing the same suit that John wore for his 1st Communion.
 Here is Evan with a plaque that is for Father Crispo.  Father Crispo married John and I, did Evan's baptism and even my 1st Communion.
 Here he is with sister Lauren.
 Lauren gave him some hugs at home before we left.
 Here he is with his friend Tanya.  Tanya's Mom went to High School and college with me and her Dad went to college with John and I at WPI.  Actually her Dad Nick is the reason I met John.  Nick and Val are Evan's God Parents.
 Here he is walking down the aisle in to church.
 So cute!
 Here he is getting his 1st Communion.
 Only Evan would have the Priest untangling his rosary after the ceremony.
 Here he is with the Priest again.
How cute is he?
 With Nana and Papa.
 With Nonna and Nonno.
 With John's family.
 With us at the Marriott where we had the party after.  We had a combined party with his God Parents and their daughter as they were both receiving 1st Communion together.
Here he is with his God Parents.
 With Tanya again.
 Here is the cake I made for the party.  I used the same pan my Aunt used when she made my 1st Communion cake and also included a couple doves that were on my cake.
 Evan with his cake before he changed.
 That cute smile he has.
 Now changed in to comfy clothes.
What a great day and great party after.

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