

Friday, July 19, 2013

7/19/13: Angry Birds Playground Under Construction Game

My son loves anything related to Angry Birds.  It all started with the Angry Birds App and then continued on to plus Angry Birds and any game he could fine.  He has had two birthday parties with an Angry Birds theme and I knew when the new Angry Birds Playground Under Construction game came out from Smart Toys and Games my son would be a fan.
It is based on the concept of Hide and Seek but can be played alone.  Here is Evan taking the book of game combinations out.  Everything is compact in one small case which is great.
 The goal is to cover all the characters on the board except for the ones shown in the challenge in the book.
 You have 4 puzzle pieces to fit next to each other.  It is great as it is intended for all ages with several levels of difficulty.  It has Starter, Junior, Expert and Master levels.  It includes 48 challenges.
 I love that it is a compact game and can be taken on the road.  Evan loves that it has his favorite angry birds and pigs.
 Evan was having a fun time playing and tried several of the puzzles and played for about an hour.  I thought it was great that it kept his attention and I could see him playing it in the car on a long ride.
 Every game is different and he even replayed some that he particularly liked.  It is a really cool game and if your kids like Angry Birds I am sure they will love it!
 Here it is as packaged.  It sells for $15 on Amazon.
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Disclosure:  I received this game for review purposes.  No other compensation was received and all opinions are my own.


  1. I have been playing with this at night and I have really enjoyed it. I like the challenge it presents.
