

Monday, July 22, 2013

7/22/13: Blue Man Group High Energy Fun in Boston

We are always looking for cool shows to go to with the kids.  Honestly, nothing gets cooler than Blue Man Group at the Charles Playhouse.  I went to this show many years ago but now I wanted to take the kids and see what they thought.  They absolutely LOVED it!  Here are the blue men...oh wait that is Evan and Lauren waiting for the show.
Blue Man Group combines music, technology and comedy and is beyond explanation.  The show is more of an full experience that has you transported to a different type of theater experience than anything else.  No words are spoken during the entire show but through facial expressions and music and cool technology the Blue Men communicate with the audience.  I really don't want to share too much about the actual show as it is best to be surprised but I will say that they are lucky Twinkies are back on the market.
In the rows close to the stage there were plastic parkas on the seats so that these audience members didn't get sprayed with anything.  We were lucky to be a few rows beyond the splash zone.  Keep this in mind when buying tickets.  The theater is small so any seat is a great seat.  Who knows you might even get pulled up on stage to be in the show.
A huge highlight for the kids was the dance party at the end of the show.  This was the only time I could take out my camera and take a few pictures.  The party is all around you with glowing balls flying through the air and toilet paper flying.
Both kids were loving this part of the show.
The balls are huge and the kids were having fun hitting them around.
It is truly awesome and so much fun to go to this show.  I highly suggest taking the family.  We went to a 2:30 show and it was perfect.  The show has no intermission and runs about an hour and 40 minutes.
Here is a quick preview of what to expect:
Here is the band after taking donations for the Aids foundation after the show.
You can park at the Stuart Street Garage for up to five hours Monday-Friday after 4 PM, and anytime during the weekend.  It is only $10 and you just need to pick up a validated ticket at the Charles Playhouse box office.
Get your blue on and go see the show!
Give them some blue love online:
Like them on Facebook:
Follow them on Twitter: @bluemangroup
Disclosure:  I was provided four tickets to the show for review purposes.  No other compensation was received and all opinions are my own.

1 comment:

  1. Nice pictures! I’ve been waiting to see Blue Man Group for many years. This year I have booked Blue Man Group tickets from to see them live!
