

Sunday, September 15, 2013

9/15/13: Yankee Doodle Parade "Celebrating Our Schools"

We had a wonderful time again at the Yankee Doodle Parade representing the Ditson School.  The theme of the Parade was "Celebrating Our Schools".
It was nice that our Principal was one of the Grand Marshalls with all the other Principals.
 My husband, kids and I all helped with the float.  Here are the kids that helped out.
I think my kids like the preparation the most.
 Plus I love that they make the float their own by painting and adding glitter.
 When I asked Evan over the summer what he was most looking forward to for back to school, he answered being in the Yankee Doodle Parade.  He was very excited to carry the banner.
Lauren was having fun rocking out to the music on the float.
Our float was awesome again thanks to my friends Cindi and Elaine who did a wonderful job creating and organizing it.  I am Co-President of the Ditson School Association and I feel responsible that all of our events go off well.  I am lucky to have wonderful chair-people to run these events.
Plus a huge thanks to Crescio Trucking that allowed us to use their truck as our float.

Lauren was having fun!
What a ton of fun! 
Here is some video.  A bit shaky as I was walking as I was taking it.

It was another wonderful parade and showed again that Ditson Rocks! 

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