

Friday, October 18, 2013

10/18/13: Fit 4 Fall with Planet Shoes

Just because the weather is getting cooler and we are putting on more layers of clothes it doesn't mean that it isn't a great time to get in shape.  I was extremely lucky to be picked to be a Sole Sister by Planet Shoes for their Fit 4 Fall Campaign.  To help me reach my goals I got these wonderful New Balance Running Sneakers.
I used to be a Group Fitness Instructor.  I taught Step, Strength Training, Cardio Circuit and Abs classes and worked out sometimes 2 hours a day.  In fact I taught a Step Class the day I went in to labor with my son Evan.  I thought I would share some Fitness Tips with you and hope that you will continue this journey with me to get Fit 4 Fall.
1.  Try out a Group Fitness Class at your gym.  It is amazing how motivating it is when you take a class regularly and have friends waiting for you in class and checking in if you are going.  This can be anything - Zumba, Spinning, Step, Strength Training.
2.  Try to set a goal to run in a road race for fun.  Start with a 5K which is 3.2 miles.  Get a buddy and start training.  Start slow and short distances and work your way up to longer distances.  Fall is the absolute best time to run outside.
3.  Try to incorporate some strength training.  Try it every other workout.
4.  Start slow, in a past life I was in great shape.  Now that I have two kids that keep me hopping it is much harder to find time to workout and I am not in the same shape I used to be.  Learning that I can't do what I used to is difficult but priorities change and that is ok.
5.  Try to squeeze in a workout when the kids are in an activity.  I often see friends go out for a run while their daughters are at dance, or run around the field while your child plays soccer, or workout if the facility your child is practicing at has a fitness area for adults.  Just because your child is doing the activity it doesn't mean you can't be active too.
6. Get outside - Rake leaves, go apple picking, enjoy a fall day at the farm.  This will get you out an about moving around.
7.  No matter what, HAVE FUN!  Make exercise fun and you are more likely to stay with it.  Sometimes half the battle is just getting to the gym or lacing up your running shoes.  Once you get started you won't want to stop.
Check out Planet Shoes and set your goal and reach it!
Disclosure:  I received these New Balance Sneakers as a Planet Shoes Sole Sister.  No other compensation was received and all opinions are my own.

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