

Sunday, October 6, 2013

10/6/13: Ditson Open Golf Clinic

Today we participated in the Ditson Open Golf Clinic for kids.  The kids had so much fun learning in three stations of Golf Instruction and got to have ice cream after.  Plus we raised a lot of money for the school.  There was also a Golf Tournament going on for the adults.  What is not to love?  
There are great sponsors on the Ditson Open Website, so go check them out.
Lauren really got in to it and had a lot of fun golfing. 
Despite a little rain all the kids had fun.  Evan love it. 
Lauren giving me a pose.
Evan giving a smile after a good hit.
 So much fun.
 Evan was excited as the ball he got had Mickey Mouse on it.  I was happy myself as I love Mickey!
 After the tournament there was food and a raffle.  I sold tickets at the raffle and we were lucky enough to win some items.  Evan was most excited about this Red Sox picture with coins in it that he won.
It is amazing how big the kids have gotten.  This was them at the 2011 Golf Clinic.
What a great time and a huge thanks to John LaFauci, Peter Gargalianos, John Aurilio and Rick Murgo for putting on a great event!

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