

Friday, November 1, 2013

11/1/13: Dog With a Blog New Episode on The Disney Channel

There are so many kids shows these days that have more mature content that I worry about the kids watching.  One show that I like and the kids love is "Dog With A Blog" on the Disney Channel.  We love dogs in our house and the fact that he has a blog is perfect.  My kids crack up that he is typing on the computer at the end and say that is what you do Mommy.
 He is an adorable dog and the cast is really good on the show.  Make sure to check out his blog online here.
We especially like Avery, she plays an extremely smart young girl and I love her spirit.
 There was one episode that got me hooked.  At the end Stan was blogging and he was doing a product review.  He pushed on the toy and it squeaked and he said "I didn't see that coming".  It was so adorable.  Plus there is no content at all that I worry about.
 Love him typing.
Here is more information about the latest episode which was on tonight and was so cute:
 "Tyler Gets a Grill-friend" (8:30 PM – 9:00 PM ET/PT)  Avery has been snippy with her younger sister Chloe and her Mom Ellen lately, but no one knows why. Bennett who is her Dad and also a child psychologist steps in to have them share their feelings.  Avery then figures out that she is jealous of her Mom's relationship with her younger sister.  When she talks to her Mom it ends up being a really touching moment.  She realized even as a teenager she really needs her Mom.  
Meanwhile, Tyler her brother has a new coworker Emily.  The only issue is she is the boss's niece.
Here is our little doggy, Fred the Shetland Sheepdog.  He even dressed up for Halloween.

Disclosure:  I was provided content from the Entertainment New Media Network for this post.  No compensation was received and all opinions are my own.

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