

Friday, November 29, 2013

11/29/13: Create A New You With Jenny Craig

Since I have had two kids and I am getting older I have noticed my weight go up and up.  It was time to make a change for me and for my kids to see.  I want to set a good example for them and I don't want to keep hiding from the camera because I don't want to be in pictures.  Last week I took a step in the right direction by heading back to Jenny Craig.  I first went to Jenny Craig soon after college when I had gained the Freshman 15 plus the Sophomore 10, Junior 10 and Senior 10 and I lost 40 pounds.  Since I joined back then I am a Member for Life.  Now they have several Membership Options that you can check out on their website.  There is even a monthly option.
As the sign says Jenny Craig where every step you take, is a step in the right direction.  I was back on track and ready to go.  Many asked me why are you starting before the Thanksgiving Holiday but my response was "it is only one day".  I was right, in my first week I already lost 6 pounds.*  Here is the dreaded scale.  When my consultant wrote down my weight last week she called it an ugly number and it was totally right, it was a horrible number.
Another sign right near the scale is I can do it!  It is so true, I know I can do it, I just need to get a kick start and do it.  They also have an online option but I choose to go in to a center as there is one near my home.
There is also this bag next to the scale and my consultant had me pick it up.  This bag weighs 10 pounds and shows you how much lighter you could be before the new year.
With Jenny Craig you buy your food from them and meet weekly with a consultant.  The food is really good and you buy your breakfast, lunch, dinner and a snack.  For example I love the Cinnamon Rolls for breakfast.  There are also pancakes, french toast, cereals, and more.
 The Cheesy Potatoes and Chicken is so good for lunch.  There are options for frozen and shelf stable food.  I usually go for the frozen items.
 One of my favorite dinners is the Chicken Fettuccine but there are so many really good dinners.  The Chicken Fajitas are really good and so is the Three Cheese Ziti.
 The Red Velvet cupcakes are awesome.  The frosting is so good.  Even when I stop going I will get extra so I can eat these.  There are a lot of great snacks including cheese curls, carrot cake cupcakes and many flavors of cheesecake!
Along the hallways are success stories to keep you feeling motivated.
Plus ways to volumize your meals with "free foods".  These are ways to add volume to your meal and not a lot of calories.
They even had up a sign with some tips for Thanksgiving day.
They also sell scales, weights, water bottles and other products to help you on your journey.
I will let you follow me along on my journey to a new Gilda.
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Disclosure:  I was given a 50% discount on my food for review purposes.  No other compensation was received and all opinions are my own.
*Note:  Members following the Jenny Craig program, on average, lose 1-2 lbs per week

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