

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

12/18/13: 'Twas the Mice Before Christmas

Today was Lauren's Holiday Show at school for her 1st Grade class.  It was called 'Twas the Mice Before Christmas and was super cute!  Here is her class ready for the show.
Here is Lauren with her teacher.  We love her teacher who Evan also had when he was in 1st grade.  I have learned she wrote this play in her early teaching career.  It is the view of the 'Twas the Night Before Christmas from the Mice.  I love it, so creative!
 Here are some of the mice.  You can see Lauren in the middle in the front row.  Ironically I was a rat in my first school show of The Pied Piper.
 All the kids were super cute and you could tell how excited they were.
 Lauren as a brave mouse.
 The brave mice helping Santa escape from Santa Paws.
 The house cat as Santa scaring the mice.
 All is well in the end!
 Lauren even had a special part in the end thanking everyone for coming and thanking the music person and janitors.  She did great and spoke really loud so everyone could hear her.
Great job Lauren!
Here is Lauren with one of her best buddies at school.
 What a great show!  Awesome job to the teachers and students!  These are the wonderful experiences they will always remember.

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