

Sunday, December 22, 2013

12/22/13: VTech Connect to Cell Cordless Phone

Our cellular connection in our house is not good.  Most of the time the phone call will drop off when I enter in to the house.  I love VTech's solution to this problem.  It is the VTech Connect to Cell Cordless Phone.  It allows you to make a receive both your landline calls and cell phone calls through this home phone system.  We received the DS6511-3 Connect to Cell Cordless Phone and it is fabulous.  The sound quality is awesome and the functionality is great.
I have had so many times that I am on my way out or in and end up waiting to finish the call.  Now with this phone I don't need to as it is an easy transition.  It is so easy to connect as you just need to pair the Bluetooth device.  Plus you can store your contacts from two cell phones in this phone.  You can add handsets to it if needed.  They also have this 5 handset one that has some cool colors.
Plus VTech has lots of cool phones.  Check out this Retro one.  Super cool and functional.
We have always had VTech phones and loved them.  Plus we like VTech Toys too.
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Disclosure:  I received this phone for review purposes.  No other compensation was received and all opinions are my own.

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