

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

12/4/13: Ionix Tenkai Knights - Shapeshifting Blocks

My son loves building.  When I showed him the recent Holiday Gift Guide item, Ionix Tenkai Knights from Spin Master the first thing he said was Shapeshifters!  I had no idea what he was talking about as I didn't know anything about them.  He proceeded to open the Action Pack that we received with Valorn / Bravenwolf / Guardian and showed me what he meant.
What I learned is that IONIX is a revolutionary, new building system developed by Spin Master.  Think of IONIX as system made from supercharged building bricks. Bricks that come alive. Bricks that shapeshift. Bricks with unexpected surprises. Bricks that are infused with a special kind of IONIX brick magic. These building bricks are unlike any other bricks you've ever seen!  IONIX bricks are also compatible with other construction sets so the possibilities are endless.  Basically this body piece transforms in to the figure.  Evan went right to work showing me how to do it.
You can see them transform in this video:
Here he is shapeshifting:
Then you add on additional pieces of armor, helmet and weapons.  This set had three of them so he was psyched as they could battle.
There are extra pieces which is always good.
The directions were easy to follow and he was able to put the three of them together in about 15-20 minutes.
Here he is putting the helmet on.
Evan playing with his finished creations.
He thought they were so much fun to put together.
Here they are all shapeshifted and put together.
Then he decided to take them back apart which was super easy.
Here they are as packaged.  They are super cool and I bet your son will love them too!
Find Tenkai Knights on Facebook:
Follow them on Twitter: @SpinMasterToys and @TenkaiKnights
Disclosure:  I received Tenkai Knights for review purposes.  No other compensation was received and all opinions are my own.

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