

Saturday, February 15, 2014

2/15/14: Monster Jam 2014 at the DCU Center

Today we went to MONSTER JAM and the Pit Party at the DCU Center and had an awesome time!  First we headed to the Pit Party which is actually our favorite part.  You get to meet all the drivers and see the trucks up close.
Here is on of our favorites, Grave Digger.
 Here is Grave Diggers driver Jon Zimmer.
 Another cool truck is Batman which was driven by John Seasock.  It was pretty funny that he called me over and asked me about my camera.  He was thinking of buying one for his girlfriend and wondering if it was good.  We had a nice chat about it. 
 So cool to be up close near the trucks.  They are huge!  The Pit Party is well worth the $10 admission!
Here is Krazy Train.  This was another one of Evan's favorites since it was a train.  He loves trains! 
How cute is the front?
 Here is Blue Thunder driven by Dan Evans.  We met him last year too.  Evan also likes this truck as it is blue and that is his favorite color.
 Here is El Toro Loco driven by Lupe Soza.  He ended up winning the Freestyle part of the competition.
Here is Aftershock driven by Bob Robbins. 
Plus Hurricane Force driven by Steven Thompson.
 Last but not least, Storm Damage driven by Tim Mente. 
 Evan also got to get to sit on an ATV.  This happens to be one from Team New England that actually beat Team New York in the races today.
 Here is one of the Team New England guys signing Evan's book.
Here is a slide show of some more pictures from the Pit Party.

 And some video from the Pit Party. Now it was time for the show.  All the trucks are ready to go!
 My favorite part, watching them get up high in the air.

Here is Grave Digger coming back down.
So cool!
Here is El Toro Loco on his winning Freestyle run.  They have one minute to do whatever they want.


Blue Thunder flying high.

 So cool!
Here is a slide show of more photos from the show:

Wow he is up high on that bike!
 Love it!
 Here is the whole schedule.
I would highly recommend taking the family.  
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Disclosure:  I received tickets for my family to attend Monster Jam and received the tickets to giveaway.  No other compensation was received and all opinions are my own.

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