

Friday, March 14, 2014

3/14/14: School Art Show

Last night was our school Art Show.  Both kids participated in the Art Show and we even got a visit from our school mascot.  
This was my fourth time running the Art Show.  I started when Evan was in Kindergarten.  Both kids participated and both won this year!!!
Here is Evan with his 3 Dimensional piece, Mine Crusia.  It is a Mine Craft inspired boat.
Lauren made a Despicable Minion.  I taught her how to use Paper Mache to make it which was lots of fun.
We had 56 artists participate in the show.
Here I am with Lauren and her Minion.
This is the whole crew of artists with their certificates and the Bee.
The Bee especially liked seeing himself showcased in this Art Piece which was done by one of Lauren's friends.
Here is Lauren getting her ribbon from me.
Now it is Evan's turn.
Evan was extremely excited to get a ribbon.
Here they both are with their certificates and ribbons.

Here is Lauren with one of her friends.  They both won for 3 Dimensional pieces.
Lauren with her ribbon and winning Minion.  The hands are a fundraiser.  We charge $1 each and you can put notes on them to the artists.  We give this money to the town's Partners for Education.
Evan with his Mine Crusia.
Then we setup all the winners in the hallway outside the Art Room.  All of the kids did a fabulous job and I am lucky to have such great volunteers to have such a wonderful event!

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