

Thursday, March 20, 2014

3/20/14: Stonyfield Frozen Yogurt Pearls Sneak Peak

As a blogger I often get sneak peeks of products, stores, and attractions.  Today was a special treat as Stonyfield personally delivered their new Frozen Yogurt Pearls that have not even hit stores yet!  Our dog Fred was happy to great them when they arrived with our treats.
 Stonyfield collaborated with WikiFoods, Inc. to create this super cool organic frozen yogurt dessert.  If you live in Massachusetts you are in luck as these awesome treats are only landing in 4 Whole Foods Markets in MA.  They come in several flavors including Peach and Vanilla, Banana and Vanilla, Banana and Chocolate, Strawberry and Vanilla, Strawberry and Chocolate, and Chocolate and Coconut.  I really liked them all however the Chocolate and Coconut was my favorite.  I love Almond Joys so I knew I would like it.  Plus at a mere 25 calories you don't feel guilty having a few.  They are seriously so tasty!
So what are they?
First off, they are about the size of a munchkin and are fully edible.  They are scoops of Stonyfield organic frozen yogurt with an all natural edible skin.  What I love is that they are bite sized and mess free.  As a child I often would not want to eat a Popsicle or other frozen treats on sticks as I didn't like the mess of them melting all over me.  This dessert is so perfect for that.
They can be purchased in a pre-packed cellulose sac or over the counter at Wikibars where they can be placed in to the shoppers' bags, egg cartons, or any other container including a thermos.  Stonyfield Frozen Yogurt Pearls leverage an innovative technology that is inspired by the way nature packages fruits and vegetables. The Pearls’ skins are made from organic fruit using the patent pending WikiPearl™ technology developed by Harvard Professor and WikiFoods founder, Dr. David Edwards.  They can be washed, carried and handled without being damaged!  No worries on when your kids drop them on the floor and no tears that they dropped their ice cream!  Here is the Chocolate and Coconut one which I absolutely loved! 
Here is a video that shows the vision!  Truly inspiring!
Where do you find them?  
For their first-­‐to-­‐market-­‐test, Stonyfield Frozen Yogurt Pearls can be found exclusively at Whole Foods Market Fresh Pond (Cambridge), River Street (Cambridge), Charles River Plaza in Boston, and the new Lynnfield store where Stonyfield brand ambassadors will also be on hand giving shoppers a free taste of the future.
 Our dog Fred approves too and we learned that he quite the ladies man.
Find Stonyfield online: 

Twitter: @Stonyfield
Find WikiPearl online: 
Twitter:  @WikiPearl
Disclosure:  I was provided a sneak peak of Stonyfield Frozen Yogurt Pearls thanks to Stonyfield hand delivering them to me.  No other compensation was received and all opinions are my own.

1 comment:

  1. I have been following WikiPearls for a while (since it was first WikiCell) - I know they are promoting a decrease in packaging, but isn't it the same thing when it comes in a box in the first place? How is this innovative except there is now a shell around the yogurt?
