

Sunday, March 23, 2014

3/23/14: I am in The Boston Globe today!

It is so much fun to see your name in print and today I got to see just that, my name and blog in print in The Boston Globe.  The article is about entertaining kids during the summer without breaking the bank.  This involves camps, activities and creative ways that are inexpensive.  The full article is posted here online.  It seems like each version in print was slightly different.  The one for Globe North had one of my quotes in a larger font which was cool.
Here is the section called Summer Juggle.  I love this article as my blog really began by showing people ways to find discounts on activities for kids and also showing them what some of the local playspaces were like with video tours.  I even would share tips on getting the most out of your local library.  With young children you can entertain them at the library for free plus give them an appreciation of reading.  Over the years I have continued to share information on camps in the area and money saving tips.  This is a cool article and was contributed to by 3 other friends of mine who are bloggers.  Mommy Niri, Charlene at Metrowest Mamas, and Melanie in the Middle.  They are all wonderful bloggers and I was so happy to share the page with them.
A big thank you to The Boston Globe for including me in their publication.
Here is the full piece written from my interview (a little hard to read, easier to read online):

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Gilda! That is awesome and well deserved! I love reading your blog and getting ideas, discounts and sometimes even winning contest! It is very useful and entertaining!
