

Thursday, March 27, 2014

3/27/14: Heartbeat of Home in Boston

Last night we had the pleasure of going to opening night of Heartbeat of Home at the Citi Performing Arts Center Wang Theatre.  We are a family of dancers so I knew we would love the show.  My daughter takes Tap, Ballet and Jazz, my son takes Hip Hop and I take Adult Tap.  I have been dancing since I was young and I am so excited to see so many shows out there promoting dance and giving dancers wonderful jobs.  This show is extremely unique and an experience for all ages.

Photos credited to the Heartbeat of Home website
The show includes many styles of dance which we really enjoyed.  There was Irish, Latin and Afro-Cuban dance.  I found my Mom enjoying the Latin inspired dance, my son liked the Afro-Cuban, my daughter liked the Irish dance, and I loved it all.  

Bobby Hodges was amazing as one of the lead dancers.  Being a tapper I can appreciate needing to make all your sounds.  It is tough enough dancing with a troupe but he danced many times alone and you could hear every sound so crisp and clear.  Nothing was muffled together.  Truly awesome!

Ciara Sexton was also amazing as one of the lead dancers.  I was excited both Ciara and Bobby even retweeted tweets of mine before and after the show.  It is amazing how high they get when dancing.  I was truly in amazement.  I love watching this style of dance and wish I had tried it when I was a kid.
Fred Nguyen was another performer that stood out as being funny in many parts.  I heard my kids giggling quite a bit at him.  It really is a show for all and a great family show.  My mom really enjoyed the dancing of Clare Craze who was one of the Latin dancers.  I saw my son especially perk up when the Afro-Cuban dancers were dancing.  It has kind of a hip hop feel to it and he loved it.  There were three Afro-Cuban dancers: Kieren Donovan, Renako McDonald, Teneisha Bonner.  You can see the whole cast here.

The music is beautiful.  They have all of their musicians up on stage with them and they were truly amazing along with the wonderful singer Lucia Evans.

Plus the scenery was amazing with three huge projection screens behind the dancers.  One of our favorite scenes was when the men appeared to be dancing up on a steel girder as the back staircase turned around toward the audience.
You have plenty of time to get tickets as the show will run from March 26th - April 6th.
To SAVE 20% on tickets, use the link:
Enter Code:  HOHMOM
Here is a preview of the show:
Heartbeat of Home plays at the Citi Performing Arts Center Wang Theatre Wednesday, March 26 – Sunday, April 6, 2014, for 16 performances: Tuesday through Saturday evenings at 8:00 pm (except for the first performance, on Wednesday, March 26 at 7:00 pm); matinees on Thursday, March 27 at 2:00 pm and Saturdays at 2:00 pm; and Sundays at 1:00 pm and 6:30 pm. 
Find them Online:
Twitter:  @heartbeatofhome #heartbeatofhome

Disclosure:  I was given 4 tickets to attend the show and giveaway.  No other compensation was received and all opinions are my own. 

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