

Friday, April 18, 2014

4/18/14: Baton Twirling Competition for NH, VT, ME State

Last weekend Lauren competed in another baton twirling competition.  This time it was the New Hampshire, Vermont, and Maine Twirling Championship.  She did awesome again!  She won Best Appearing making her undefeated, both of her team routines came in 1st, she took 1st runner up in Miss Daffodil Queen, and 4th in Basic March.  What an awesome job!
 We started out the day bright and early with modeling.
She is so poised and smiles beautifully during modeling.
They wrote beautiful hair so I could take credit for that since we got up at 6 am for me to curl it.
Then here she is in best appearing.
She did so great and took first place.  The only difference between Best Appearing and Queen is that Queen has an interview and Best Appearing does not.
Love her final pose before turning and finishing her routine.
 Here is some video of her modeling.
 She was very excited as they made little states for each of the twirlers with their name on it and the color of their team.
Here they all are, I thought this was so cute.
Lauren showing me hers.
Then they competed with Team with their Surf's Up Halftime routine.
They got the crowd clapping and did an awesome job!
They have lots of props in this routine including surf boards, beach balls, hoops, streamer batons and regular batons.
They did so great and took 1st place!
Awesome job ladies!
Here is some video of the Surf's Up Routine:
 Then they did their Disney Parade routine.
So cute!
They also took 1st place with this routine!
They are like pros at competitions now.
I love how excited they all were to do their routine.
Here is some video of the Disney Parade routine:

It was pretty cool, before starting solo routines they had all the twirlers get out on the floor and twirl to the song Happy.
I guess you can send videos in to Good Morning America with this song.  So they were going to be sending in a video of all the girls twirling to it.
Love this!  I will be on the watch to see if they put it on TV.
Here is some video of the girls baton twirling to Happy:
Last but not least was basic march.
Lauren did awesome.
Here she is with her Coach Kristina.
Awesome job to Lauren, her Coach and her team!!!

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