

Friday, May 2, 2014

5/2/14: School Family Fun Dance

As the President of the PTO I always have "bright ideas" on new things we should do.  A while ago I came up with an idea to have a Family Fun Dance and tonight we had it.  It went even better than I imagined with 257 kids coming to it and we made almost $500!  It was also my kids first dance and they had an awesome time.  Today was Senior Citizens Pen Pals so the kids were all dressed up and happy to stay that way for the dance.
Our Bee mascot Buzzy started a Conga line!  It was awesome!
Lauren dancing away.  
I even had fun dancing with them in a circle.  I love that my kids aren't embarrassed and wanted to dance with me.  I know that will change at some point so I am trying to take advantage of it now when I can.
 Evan was dancing arm and arm with one of his friends to Cotton Eye Joe.
Lauren and some of her buddies.
Evan being silly.
Evan and Buzzy.
Evan dancing with one of his friends.  They have known each other since pre-school.
The Conga line got huge!
This was the highlight of my night!
Go Buzzy!
Lauren dancing it out.
What a wonderful night!  I am so happy it turned out fun for all the families and this may turn in to an annual event!

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