

Friday, June 13, 2014

6/13/14: Martha Speaks All-New Episodes

I love so many of the educational animated shows on PBS KIDS however I do have a soft spot for dogs and love Martha Speaks.  I was lucky enough to receive some three all-new episodes of Martha Speaks that will be airing beginning on June 16th.  It will be Martha Speaketh Weeketh and Martha will not only speak English but will also speak in Polish and Elizabethan English.  We got to see a few of the new episodes and loved them.

The advanced vocabulary used in Martha Speaks is amazing.  I loved the words used in the episodes which are fantastic to expand your child's vocabulary.  In "Thou Callest Me a Dog" you hear words like Monologue, Soliloquy, and terms from Shakespeare.  Martha learns all of this as she swallows Hamlet.  Now I wish I could go back to college and maybe if I swallowed some Shakespeare I would have got all A's in my Shakespeare classes.  My 1st grader really enjoyed it.  There was also "Martha's Paper Chase" as Martha searches for a headline story for the paper.  Martha finds a great story but is it worth sharing if she betrays Big Minnie.
Plus there is a brand new game online called Martha's Steaks.  Children learn vocabulary as Martha jumps to catch treats of steak, bacon, and drumsticks.  
I also received a cool Martha Speaks kit including the Martha Speaketh Weeketh DVD, Perfectly Martha book, Play Ball! book, Martha Speaks Canine Comics book, Martha Speaks flipbook, Martha Speaks stickers, Pencils, Shoe laces, Letter A-Z Music Videos DVD from and a guest pass to Chuck E. Cheese’s.  Both and Chuck E. Cheese's are sponsors.
I just have to share my dog's picture.  I wish Fred could talk, even if just for one day!
Here is a preview of the upcoming shows.

Make sure to tune in to PBS KIDS and WGBH to see these great episodes of Martha Speaks!
Find them online: 
Twitter:  @pbsmarthaspeaks
Disclosure:  I received a promotional kit for Martha Speaks in exchange for review.  No other compensation was received and all opinions are my own.

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