

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

6/25/14: School's Out for Summer

It is hard to believe another school year is done.  I now have 2nd and 4th graders!  This is more than just no more school, it is also a break for me from being the PTO President for summer.
We had a fabulous year and I was able to implement lots of cool ideas this year.  We now have a Bee Mascot "Buzzy" for the school, we had our first Family Fun Dance, we had extra day-time meetings, we had raffles for attendance at PTO meetings, we raised enough funds to provide 75 tablets to the school and have an on-going technology allocation, we had a Photo Booth at the 5th Grade Party which was a huge success, provided more information online through Facebook and our website, plus we still saved a lot for next year.
Here is Lauren with her teacher who she will really miss.  Evan also had the same teacher and we have loved her.  She does very cool stuff with her class including a Thanksgiving Party with a turkey and all the fixings, and she also has the kids do a holiday show that she wrote "The Mice Before Christmas".  She makes learning fun and you can tell how much all her students love her.
Here is Evan with his teacher.  She was also fabulous and all the kids love her!  She also does really cool stuff with the kids and gives them marbles for being well behaved.  When they get a certain amount of marbles she does a cartwheel.  When he went to move up day last year that is all I heard about was her cartwheels.  Love it!  The kids love it too and think she is wonderful.
With the end of the year came a lot of fun.  Here are the kids in my group when I went on the field trip to Sturbridge Village.
The kids being silly.  Love this!
They got to see lots of cool stuff.
Here they are in the little play park.
There was an end of year party and as room mother I organized a class gift.  We were able to give Lauren's teacher a $100 gift card, and a beautiful bee Alex and Ani bracelet.  With the school's mascot being a bee and a program to Be the Best You Can Bee at school this was perfect!
Here she is getting a big hug from the class.
There was Field Day fun.  I was the blue group leader so here is Evan with my pole that I carried around all day for my groups to know where to go.
Me and Ev!
The kids had so much fun playing games on the field.
Tug of war was a bit hit.
Evan's class.
Lauren with our blue group.
Lauren pretty much wins every hula hoop contest she is ever in.  Field Day was no exception.
Tug of war time, girls against boys.
The girls were kicking the boys butts.
The water balloon toss was a favorite of everyone too.  We had over 100 fabulous volunteers to make this day a success.
Last but not least was the Family Picnic.  Here is Buzzy coming to make an appearance.
Lauren and Buzzy with a friend.
Our Principal and Assistant Principal chilling out.
The kids having fun with a future Ditson student.
Bye Buzzy we will see you again next year!  Everyone have a great summer!!!

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