

Sunday, July 6, 2014

7/6/14: July 4th Weekend Fun

The weather was not our friend this July 4th due to Hurricane Arthur however it did not put a wash out on our fun.  We were still able to celebrate and watch fireworks on the 5th.
Our festivities started on July 3rd.  Lauren and her baton twirling team the Suburban-ettes always perform on the common.  They started out with all of the girls twirling together.
Then they did their competition routine Surf's Up!
Lauren loves to perform so she was having a great time.  We were really lucky as just about 20 minutes before this was lightning and thunderstorms.  The sky cleared just before it was time for them to perform.
They did an awesome job and the crowd loved them.
Such a great job!
Then all the girls did the same Finale routine they did in their show to Let It Go.
Final pose.
All the girls taking a bow.
Here is some video of the performance:
The next day on July 4th the weather stayed clear in the morning enough for them to perform in the July 4th parade.
Here is Lauren getting to watch some of the parade before she had to march.
Evan is ready for the Parade.
Marching along the parade route.
So cute, loved them walking together when they were done.
The rest of the day July 4th was extremely rainy.  In fact Boston moved their fireworks to July 3rd due to the weather.  Luckily July 5th still had great activities to head out to.  There was a carnival in one of the area towns along with fireworks.
Here are the kids playing one of the carnival games.
The fireworks were beautiful!
This is one of my favorite pictures.
I hope everyone had a wonderful July 4th weekend.  I know we did!

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