

Friday, August 15, 2014

8/15/14: Boston Children's Museum Fun

If you have not been to the Children's Museum in Boston you absolutely have to take your kids there.  It is a fantastic place to explore and so much fun.  There are so many different areas for kids to play and learn.  There are three floors of varying areas of play.  We headed there on the Cultural Connector for a day of fun.
I love this where kids use their power to pull themselves up.  This is on the first floor.
Also on the first floor is the bubble area that the kids have fun playing in.  There are smocks kids can wear to make sure they don't get bubbles all over them but my kids are pretty careful.
Lauren really enjoys the bubble area.
There is also a ball area on the first floor.
The kids decided to experiment and put a full line of golf balls.  I love when they work together.  It was really cute Lauren was running around picking up the golf balls to bring to Evan.
The climbing structure is the best.  It is like the centerpiece in the middle of the museum.  It spans from the first to third floor and kids climb up and back down.
Evan loves climbing this.
There was a new exhibit called My Sky.  It will be there until January 4th.
Inside the My Sky area there are many areas to explore the night sky.
This bike was pretty cool.  Kids could look up and down and see their shadow moving as the lighting moved.
A cool constellation area.
Lauren trying out the bike.
There is also an area where kids can build with real tools.  Lauren was proud of herself, she made a Hood Milk Bottle building.
It is perfect as the Hood Bottle is right outside the window from this area.
Evan built this cool building.
Then we went over to the Peep's World area.  This area has water play.  
They used to have a sand area here but that has changed to this block area.
Here is some of the water play area.
There is a going to Kindergarten area.  Here are the kids sitting and reading/listening to a book.
Lauren playing some basketball.
Evan playing one of games.
Lauren showing me her creation.
Evan was pretty proud of his too.
I think we spent the most time in the Construction Area.  They love playing here.
Kids can sit in Bob Cat trucks.
There really is always construction every time you go in to Boston but the workers are really getting young.
Evan lugging some wood.
Evan working hard.
Evan drilling.
There is one area that varies each time we go.  This time it was a Nashville area.
The kids trying out some musical instruments.
More of that area.
The kids also spend a lot of time in this little store area.
Kids can also try their hands at being a barber.
Or a hair stylist.
Last but not least the kids meet a Red Sox Star!
What a fun museum!  The kids had a blast.
They have a Free Fun Friday coming up on August 22nd.
Check them out online:
Twitter:  @BosChildMuseum
Disclosure:  I was provided with admission for my family and I to the Boston Children's Museum.  No other compensation was received and all opinions are my own.

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