

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

8/5/14: Denison Pequotsepos Nature Center in Mystic, CT

Continuing with our family fun this summer over the last few days we went to Mystic, CT to check out the sights.  The first place we headed to was the Denison Pequotsepos Nature Center.  This is a great way to explore nature with the family.
The Nature Center is located on Pequotsepos Road across from the Denison Homestead and connects across the Pequotsepos Brook to the Coogan Farm overlooking the Mystic River along Greenmanville Avenue. 
We started on the inside.  There are exhibits with both live and stuffed animals.  We especially enjoyed night in the meadow theater.  It is a small theater with a maximum capacity of 6 people.  When you close the door it is extremely dark and you are surrounded by the sounds of the meadow.  It also shows you many animals you may see there.
We read about different areas in the exhibits.
It is pretty cool inside, where they bring the outside in.
Lauren exploring.
Then we headed outside.  First we checked out the birds in enclosures right outside the Nature Center.  There are owls and other cool birds.
Then we headed out on the trails.  You can see the full trail map here.
The center has many trails heading through the woodlands, meadows, past ponds, historic stone walls, and quarries.
The kids starting their exploration.
We started on the Meadow Loop.
There are some beautiful flowers there.  We went exploring and spotting different types of flowers and deciding which ones were our favorite.
Beautiful yellow flowers.
This one was my favorite.
Lauren liked these as they are purple.
 So many beautiful flowers everywhere.
More views.
We headed to Council Rock when we were on the Forrest Loop.
We then headed in to the Butterfly and Moth House.
There are some beautiful flowers in there too.
Here is another view.
We actually spotted this butterfly outside in the meadow.
It was a great place to visit for a few hours.
Admission fee is nominal at $8 for adults and $5 for kids.
Find them online:
Twitter: @DPNC
Disclosure:  I received admission in exchange for review.  No other compensation was received and all opinions are my own.

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