

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

9/24/14: Yankee Doodle Parade Fun

In our town we have a Yankee Doodle Weekend Celebration every year.  This year the theme was "Athletics In Our Community" and our elementary school was well represented.  I co-chaired the parade float build and our bee Buzzy joined us for the fun.
Our float featured some sports equipment, our Bee and the school theme of "Be the Best You Can Bee at the Ditson Elementary".
We had over 100 students, families, and staff march with our float dressed in athletic or Ditson clothing.
Evan was excited to hold the banner.
I also gave all the kids sports whistles and necklaces that they had fun blowing.
Our float ready to go.  We spent two night building it with a bunch of parent volunteers.  Plus the kids painted the signs.
What a great day for everyone.  The weather was perfect and we had a fun time!  As the PTO President I am happy to have one event in the books as complete.

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