

Saturday, October 4, 2014

10/4/14: Apple Picking Fall Fun at Tougas Farm

I love Fall!  The leaves are changing the weather is getting cooler, but best of all there is apple picking and Halloween!  We spent last Sunday apple picking at Tougas Farm in Northboro and had a great time as always.  
We always go with my good friend/neighbor growing up and her family.
First off, has anyone else noticed how busy apple picking is in New England?  I felt like everyone was there to apple pick.  The lines were enormous to get in to the orchard and then to get on the tractor ride, and then huge lines for cider donuts.
It was a beautiful day though at 85 degrees which is very strange for late September.  It almost felt wrong apple picking with shorts on.
The apples looked great and we got right to picking.  They had so many varieties and tons of apples on the trees.  Luckily they had a tented area where all the trees were and someone told you where each variety was and what areas were best to go.
Such a thing of beauty!
Evan was having a great time getting apples.
There were apples as far as the eye could see.
Plus a fun rock for climbing on.
Evan reaching up to get a good one.
Heading back on the tractor ride, though we easily could have walked as it was not so far.  But taking a tractor ride is more fun.
Here we all are.  Note we switched sides with opposite husbands.
Then we headed to the Pumpkin Patch.
Evan was very excited to pick a pumpkin.  There was plenty to choose from.
Evan found a favorite.
So did Lauren.
This was my favorite, someone made a heart out of pumpkins.
What a great day!  Nothing is better than Fall in New England.
Plus great home made apple pies after.
Disclosure:  This is not a sponsored post.  We just like going apple picking.

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