

Monday, December 22, 2014

12/22/14: Maya Group Cool Holiday Toys

Next up in my Holiday Gift Guide is great gifts for boys and girls from the Maya Group.  We have reviewed their toys in the past and have always enjoyed them.  Orbeez are a personal favorite of mine and the kids.  First off is the Xploderz Mayhem.
Xploderz Mayhem is part of the Xploderz FireStorm Series and can fire 120 rounds of ammo in 60 seconds!  Despite the fact that it is cold in New England we were able to find a way to play with it by using it out our backdoor to our deck.
  Xploderz use a similar H2 Grow technology that Orbeez do.  What I like about it is that it comes with created ammo.  The Xploderz ammo takes 4 hours to grow and when your son is looking on as you open this toy you don't want to have to tell him he has to wait 4 hours to use it.  Big props to the Maya Group for providing this ammo already ready to go.
 You hold back the handle and crank the crank for the shooting to begin.
 It was really easy to put together and even Lauren got in on the fun.
 It also comes with 2,000 rounds of ammo which will last quite a long time. With a velocity of 100 feet per second, it is 50 percent faster than any foam blaster.  You can reload ammo really quickly.
So much fun!
The secret behind the Ammo Technology is a polymer and water-based system that creates an ammo strong enough to fire huge distances and yet soft enough to disintegrate on impact. Since the Ammo is 99.9% water, it is completely safe. The Ammo consists of super absorbent polymers that can absorb more than 150 times their volume in water. The water is absorbed into the spaces between the molecules.
We did test this out as my son shot me with it and it did not hurt.
 Here it is as packaged.  It retails for $39.99.
Next up is the Make Your Case set.  Lauren got right to work without even asking me for help.  The only thing I had to assist with was pushing down to get the mold to start.
This set allows you to create a case for either an Samsung Galaxy S3/S4, iPod touch, iPhone 4 or iPhone 5.  It has silicone to make two molds.  Here is Lauren working on the mold.  After you push this through it takes 2 hours to set.  Then you can decorate your case however you want.  It comes with design paper, gem stickers, letters, and even 4 additional pre-made cases.  It lets kids show off their personal style.
Here you can see the iPhone 5 case molded.  Now we wait two hours for it to complete.
Here it is as packaged.  So far I think it is pretty easy to use and fun for kids.  It retails for $24.99.
Here are two other refill sets.  We received the Decor Tape and Spin Art.  This allows kids to make even more creations.  They make it easy to switch out designs also as you can just switch out the paper you have decorated.  Each of these sets come with 4 cases to decorate.
Last but not least is the Orbeez Body Spa.  Not only is this an inflatable comfortable chair but it also vibrates and comes with 6000 Orbeez.  
It does require a pump which is not included to inflate it so make sure you have one available.  
What great products from the Maya Group!
Disclosure:  I received all of these products for review purposes.  No other compensation was received and all opinions are my own.

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