

Saturday, December 27, 2014

12/27/14: New England Aquarium Birthday Fun

Today was my birthday and because the weather was so unbelievably nice for December in New England we headed in to the New England Aquarium.  It was extremely busy but we braved the crowds and checked out lots of cool fish.
 There is the centerpiece of the large tank in the middle of the Aquarium but there are lots of smaller tanks around the edges.  I love that Evan is making a fishy face in these pictures.
The highlight of the Aquarium for us is usually the penguins who were being  fed.
Yum, yum, yum, dinner time.
I liked this guy.

 This is a picture from above as we were on the ramp of the larger tank.
Here you can see the large tank.
 Checking out some fish in the large tank.
 One of the divers in the tank.

My favorite, Myrtle the Turtle. 
 We made it to the top of the tank.  Here there are Aquarium staff to talk about the tank and answer questions.  You can check out times for presentations here.
 Here is a great view of Myrtle at the top of the tank.
Here is Lauren finding a fish friend.
 I like seeing her reflection in this picture.
 Evan liked the Electric Eel.  He was pretty active when we were there.
 Another favorite for Evan was the Octopus.
This set of whale bones is pretty cool from above.
 Today was super busy so we didn't attempt the touch tank but here a cute throw back picture of the kids at the touch tank.
A cute little dwarf sea horse.
 It is fun to see what you can find in the big tank.  Evan spotted this eel.
So much to see. 
 So cool.
 There is also the New Balance Foundation Marine Mammal Center with sea lions and fur seals. 

 There is a schedule for training times.
Love this guy too. 
There is also a cool shark and ray touch tank
We found Nemo! 
It is always so much fun to visit the Aquarium.  There are also IMAX films to see when you are there.  What a fun filled day!
 Find them online:

Disclosure:  I received tickets for my family and I to go to the New England Aquarium for review purposes.  No other compensation was received and all opinions are my own.

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