

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

1/14/15: Miss Majorette of MA Competition in Baton Twirling

This past weekend Lauren competed in the Miss Majorette of MA competition for the first time.  She had a very successful day placing first in three events, 2nd in four events, and third in three events and winning her Novice MA Pageant for Miss Majorette.
The day started out with her competing in Queen.  She has now moved to Advanced so she was allowed to wear a dress to compete.
 She was all smiles to compete.
 She had a judge that judged me when I was a kid.  She is now 90 years old.
Here she is during her interview.  The judge asked her about her dress and she explained that I wore it when I modeled.
Here you can see me in 1982 wearing the same dress.  The difference in colors is just the age of the picture and camera taken.
She did really well and placed 2nd.  Here she is receiving her trophy.
Here is Lauren with her trophy.
Her with her teammates with their trophies for Queen.
Next up was modeling in her costume for Miss Majorette and for Best Appearing.  We had a quick change and back on to the floor to compete.
Here she is in Best Appearing.
I love her hair swinging.
 Here she is doing her modeling for Miss Majorette.
 Interview time.
 Next up was team competition.  She got ready for her Conga routine.
Here she is shaking and showing me her moves.

Here they are with their Coach.
Here they are out on the floor.  They did really well as they learned this routine very quickly and were missing one of their teammates due to the flu.
 Here they are doing arm rolls.
 Ending pose.
 Next up was solo!
This costume again is one that I wore.
 This one has an action shot too.
Here she is doing basic march for Miss Majorette.  As part of the Novice Pageant they do Basic March.
Then on to her first solo ever.
I was in disbelief, she won!!!  Not that I didn't have faith, I just figured this first competition would be practice.
 Here she is with her teammate and Coach.
They were cool as cucumbers in line and having so much fun.
 Then she went out for her next solo.  She actually competed her solo 5 times.
Elbow rolls.
 Love this, so cute.
Final pose.
 Here are my parents with Lauren.  They had so much fun going to the competition.  Lots of great memories.
 Here she is with some of her awards.
 Here she is when she was announced for the Miss Majorette Pageant.  This event consists of modeling, basic march, and solo baton twirling.
 Here she is with her teammate.
 Lauren with her banner and flowers.
 I am so proud of her!  Here I am with her.
 What a great day!  Congratulations to her on a great day and a fun day.

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