

Friday, March 20, 2015

3/20/15: New Hampshire State Baton Competition

Last weekend Lauren competed in another baton competition.  This was the New Hampshire State Competition where she competed as a visitor.  She did absolutely amazing winning Advanced Mardi Gras Queen, Advanced Best Appearing, Novice Basic March, Novice Open Solo and coming in second in Visitor Solo!
The day started out with the team competition.  Here she is ready to go for the day.
Here she is with more of the Suburban-ettes.
She competed with her team to Surf's Up which took first place!
The girls did awesome.  I love this routine.
 I love that they use hoops, surf boards, beach balls and batons with streamers.
 Here they are in their final pose.
Then they performed to Break Free which also took first place!
 Here is Lauren ready to go.
 I love this with the baton mid air.
 All the girls in their pose.
Last but not least they competed with Conga which took second place.
 They did an awesome job!
 Here is their final pose.
Then there was a break where they announced the team winners.  They also presented a special award in Memory of Linda Lanni who was my baton teacher.  The two ladies running the competition also took from her.  This was very moving for me and I went up to present the award with them.
Then it was on to modeling.  Lauren won Mardi Gras Queen.  Being in Advanced she can wear a dress.
 Here she is modeling.
 Love this picture.
 Interview time.
 Here she is getting her award.
 Here was more of her team ready to model.
Then she did Best Appearing and also won.
 Best Appearing is done in costume with no interview.
Then last up was Basic March and Solo.
 She did fantastic with only one drop in each routine.
 The best part was that after she was done she wanted to do her solo more!  I was not surprised about this since every minute she is home she has the baton in her hand practicing.
Here she is with her coach!  What an awesome day of competition.
Congratulations Lauren!

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