

Sunday, March 29, 2015

3/29/15: Harlem Globetrotters Fun at the TD Garden Boston

Last night we went to see the Harlem Globetrotters at the TD Garden in Boston.  We always have an awesome time going to the game as it is a family friendly way to watch a basketball game.  Impressive tricks, fun basketball game, and meeting the players makes for a great night.
I love that they start out the show every time with tricks to Sweet Georgia Brown.
This game was the Harlem Globetrotters 2015 “Washington Generals’ Revenge” Tour.  The Washington Generals beat the Harlem Globetrotters in 1971 and they wanted to win this one.  It had been five years since the Globetrotters and Generals had faced off, as the Generals have been searching far and wide for the best players to retool their roster and have been preparing for one thing: victory over the Globetrotters.
The kids love seeing all the tricks they do.  Here you can see one of the players up on the hoop.
Here they are being silly again.
The team acknowledged a member of the military in Boston.  Fans can nominate a Harlem Globetrotters Hometown Hero at  They also played a portion of each game with a camouflage basketball as a sign of respect to all who protect our freedom.  They won the game against the Generals.
After the game is the most fun for the kids.  All the players stay on the court and give autographs and take pictures.  Here is one of the women on the Globetrotters, Sweet J Ekworomadu.
One of my favorite pictures with one of my favorite players, Chris Handles giving his thumbs up! #thumbnation

  Here are the kids giving the handles thumbs up during the game.
Evan getting his basketball signed by the Emcee for the game.

Evan got all the players autographs. 
Here is Big Easy Lofton.
Here is Ice Man.
Evan was so fast getting autographs it was hard to get a picture.  He loves getting autographs from all the players and was very happy he got them all.
I highly suggest getting tickets when they come to your town.  You can see the full schedule here.

Disclosure:  I received a Four Pack of tickets to a Harlem Globetrotters game and a Four Pack to giveaway through the Harlem Globetrotters in exchange for this promotional post.  No other compensation was received and all opinions are my own.

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