

Thursday, May 14, 2015

5/14/15: Down 20 Pounds on Jenny Craig

I wrote about my recent return to Jenny Craig and wanted to give an update on my journey and what I am learning.  So far I have been back for two months.   As of today I am down....wait for it...20 pounds!*
The sign in Center said it all today.  "I may not be there yet.  But I'm closer than I was yesterday!".  This is exactly how I feel.  I usually spend so much time focusing on how much weight I have left to lose instead of celebrating how much I have lost already.  I am celebrating my victories as I enter each 10 bracket of weight and watch the numbers go down.  I am learning that there are always special events and things going on but it doesn't have to derail my weight loss.  This included most recently Mother's Day.  Of course we ate out and I enjoyed Baked Haddock and it was so good.  I am no longer craving sugar and instead craving salad and vegetables.
I am also learning not to compare.  This includes comparing myself to myself at a younger age.  I still remember what I weighed at my wedding and it is okay that I won't return to that number.  I have realigned my expectations of myself.
I am learning I will make a mistake.  I will have a moment of weakness and eat or drink something I should not have, but that is okay too.  We are all human, but as long as I recognize the slip ups and continue to move forward that is all that counts.
There are several Membership Options that you can check out on their website.  There is even a monthly option.
I will let you follow me along on my journey to a new more confident Gilda.
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Disclosure:  I was given a 50% discount on my food for review purposes.  No other compensation was received and all opinions are my own.
*Note:  Members following the Jenny Craig program, on average, lose 1-2 lbs per week

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