

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

6/10/15: Lauren and Evan's Dance Recital

This past weekend we had our annual Ellens School of Dance Recital.  Both kids did an awesome job and I am so proud of them.  The theme of the Recital was When I Grow Up, I Want to Be...
 First up was Jazz.  Lauren's routine was called Glamorous Girlfriend.
I can't believe how grown up she is getting.  She helped me by putting on some of her makeup for me.
 She looks so gorgeous!
I love this costume.  It was really sparkly up on stage.
We decided to put Lauren's hair in a pony tail instead of a bun and I loved watching her hair bouncing around.
 It was a super cute routine.
This was Lauren's least favorite part because she had to hold hands with the little boy.  It was super cute.
The final pose.
Here are some of the kids posing after.
Here is another cute picture of many of them.
Another cute pose by Lauren.
Here is some video of that routine. She did this routine in both shows, so this is video of both of those.

Here is Lauren with one of her friends.
Next up was Lauren's Tap.  In this routine they were Seamstresses.  Super cute.
I love the scissors and boxes they danced on top of that looked like spools of thread.
Another really good routine.
Lauren did awesome.
Great job to all the kids.
Their final pose.
Another picture in her costume.
Here is some video of the Tap routine.
Here she is posing with a friend of hers.
Next up was Ballet.  This routine was called Royalty.
 She did awesome again in this one.
Here is video of that routine.

Next up was Lyrical.  This was called Beauty Pageant Contestants.
This was one of my favorite routines.  This year is the first year Lauren could do Lyrical.
It was such a beautiful routine to "You Are So Beautiful To Me".
Loved it!
Here is video of the Lyrical routine.
Next up was my man Evan with Street Breakdancer.
This is Evan's fourth year dancing and I am so proud of him and how far he has come.
Here are all the boys.
They did so awesome!

Here is video of that routine:
Last but not least was Finale.  This was Circus.  Evan was a Strong Man and Lauren was a Lion.
Here is Evan with one of his friends he has known since Pre-School.  She was a Clown in the Circus act.
These elephants were used in one of my dances when I danced at Ellens School of Dance.  I had to tap out on to the stage behind them.
Here you can see Evan as a strong man.
The boys.
Lauren as a lion and you can see Evan behind her.
So adorable!  I really loved this routine.
Great job to all the dancers and faculty!
Here is video of Finale:
I am a true Dance Mom now.  Here are the kids with the rolling rack.
  Thank you for a wonderful year!

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