

Saturday, July 11, 2015

7/11/15: Bay State Games for Baton Twirling

Today Lauren competed in the Bay State Games competition in baton twirling.  The Bay State Summer Games is Massachusetts’ own Olympic-style athletic competition that has annually been held since 1982.  Lauren did extremely well and got a Gold Medal in her solo!  I was so proud of her.
Each year the Bay State Summer Games features 7,000 athletes competing in 26 sports.  Athletes of all ages and abilities represent over 300 Massachusetts communities each year.
Here is Lauren and her good friend in twirling.  They twirl on a team together but today just did solo events as not enough of her team could participate.
Here is Lauren doing her solo.  She did so awesome.  It has been a bit hard to practice over the summer with vacations but she did awesome!
Here is her proud Coach!
Another one of her twirling friends was there too doing teams and solo.  We are very sad that she is going off to college next year and all the girls will miss her.
Here are the three amigos of competitions.
The Westford Academy team competed.  Three of these girls are on the same Suburban-ettes twirl team we are on.
They did announcements of all the awards.  We were so thrilled when Lauren was announced as the Gold Medalist in her category.  She had a large category with 10 girls competing.
Being a winner of a Gold Medal gets you a Bay State Games jacket.  I didn't tell Lauren about this so this was an extra added surprise.
Here are all the girls with their jackets.
I love this, their Coach had them bite their medal like in the Olympics.
So adorable!
Posing with more friends.
Here are all the Suburban-ettes who competed today.
A proud Coach with her girls.
What an awesome day.  
All the girls did amazing and I am so proud of Lauren!

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