

Saturday, July 18, 2015

7/18/15: Davis Farmland Animal and Water Fun

I absolutely love taking the kids to Davis Farmland in Sterling, MA.  We always have an awesome time there feeding the animals, riding ponies, taking a hay ride, and playing in the sprinkler park.  Plus with their new expanded Imagine Acres improved area there is so much imaginative play also.
We spent the whole day there as there is so much to do and see.  We started with feeding the animals.
As you enter you can buy a cup of food for the animals for $3.  This has plenty of food for a whole day.  Many of the animals are just roaming around for you to feed them.
 Some animals are in pens that you can feed.  You can tell how aggressive the animals might be by the color of the rope at the top of their fence.  There are green, yellow and red.
 The highlight of the day for the kids was meeting two babies that were born today.  Here is one.
So adorable!
Here is the other little guy.
 Here is his mom taking care of him.
 Mommy and baby!
Plus if you have the Fun Pass you can get 2 for 1 admission!  That is a savings of $23.95 in the summer.  Prices change for Spring and Fall.
 The kids had so much fun feeding the animals.
They especially like the little guys. 
 Lauren sitting with one of the little ones.
So much fun.
The kids loved watching the animals walk along these bridges. 
 There is a fun little hayride to take.
 Lauren pretending being she is a deer.
 Hi there guys!
 Love this cow Oreo.

The kids even got to meet a Tortoise that was out on a big adventure walking around.
 The kids also got to feed a bottle to the baby cows.
 The kids can also take pony rides for $5 each.  They take two laps around.
Then we headed over to the sprinkler park which is a highlight for the kids.  I am always amazed at the cleanliness of the whole park.
 The best part of this area is the bubbles.  There is this cool little area that the kids go in and get bubbles put on them.  They love it.
 Evan turned in to a bubble monster!
Then it was time to wash off the bubbles.
The car wash is a good place to wash off.
Cool spray area.

Such a beautiful area to play in. 
 The changing rooms are really clean and have showers in them too.
 Then we headed to one of Evan's favorite places.  The little go carts.
 There is a new slide in this area that both kids enjoyed.  You slide down this in clothes or bathing suit.  There is a little mister on the left hand side.
They also made a huge improvement this season to Imagine Acres with Moo Town USA.

 This area is beautiful now and the kids spent quite a bit of time playing there.
There are a bunch of little buildings with different themes.
There are cute little cut outs to take pictures in.
 Here you can see the campground area with more places to play.
This area also has a playground.
 Plus a bounce house.
There is a toddler area for smaller kids to play. 
 There are a few places to get food.  This is the indoor area that has kids meals including peanut butter and jelly, peanut butter and fluff, grilled cheese, hot dogs and more.  They also have wraps and salads.  Prices were reasonable however their service was extremely slow.  We were there around 1:30 and we waited at least a half hour for our food after ordering.  There is also an outdoor cookout area that may have been faster or a food area next to the sprinkler park.
 You can also do some face painting.  They are like little crayons.
 Here you can see some views of the inside of Davis Farmland.
 Evan seeing how big he is.
 There is also a mailbox to write a letter to Moo Moo which the kids are doing here.
Davis Farmland is so much fun to visit.  For $23.95 and all that you can do it is a bargain.  I highly suggest going.  
Find them online:
Twitter:  @davisfarmland

Disclosure:  I received tickets for my family to go to Davis Farmland for review purposes.  No other compensation was received and all opinions are my own.

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