

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

9/2/08: Evan's Pre-School Orientation

Today was Evan's Pre-School orientation at the Learning Garden. Here he is all ready to go with his backpack.
Showing off his Mickey Mouse backpack.
Ok, had to post this too. This is me on my first day of Kindergarten in front of my school Fox Hill. Notice the Mickey bag! Too cute that we matched. I am 4 years and 8 months old.
Here we are in front of his school. And here is his welcome to the school. These are the kids in his class. And just like Mommy remembers of course you have to get homework on the first day of school. The theme for the year is history. Evan has to bring in 5 pictures to make a scrapbook of his family history. This homework is right up Mommy's alley. At least it isn't quantum mechanics...that comes later on. We were also told there will be two field trips during the year (one to a farm and one to a museum), parent/teacher conferences twice a year, seasonal parties, celebration of their birthday, and a show and tell box that will come home with them which we need to put something in for them to describe to the class. They even have a Family picnic. Wow I am having flash backs to school!
Here he is with his buddy Molly at school. They have known each other since Evan was 5 months old. They aren't in the same class but hung out together for a bit.
And me with my best friend and neighbor at the time Robin on the 1st day of school. We are still best buds today! Friends since we were 3.

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