

Friday, September 4, 2009

9/4/09: Another trip to the Ecotarium

Today Mommy took the day off since it is the last Friday before Evan starts pre-school and would have both kids home for a day trip. What a fun day we had at the Ecotarium. This is our 2nd time. Here are the kids in front of a stuffed bear.
And now in front of the real Polar Bear Kenda. A good close up of Kenda. We learned today that poor Kenda has skin allergies and is being treated with medication. Last time we visited it was her birthday.
Here we are at their animal presentation. Snakes!
And at the new bubble exhibit.
And at the playground.
And on the train, Evan's favorite part of any trip.
And one last exhibit. We also enjoyed the Planetarium show Rocket Cardboard Box.

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