

Saturday, September 5, 2009

9/5/09: Girls Day Out

Today I took Lauren for her 1st real haircut and for a Girls Day Out. We started at Snip-Its for a hair cut and then went to see the Barbie and the Three Musketeers. Daddy and Evan went to Home Depot and built a bean bag toss and then Evan followed Daddy around the yard as he mowed the grass on his truck.
Here is Lauren with her certificate of her first haircut.
Close up.
The before.
The during.
Chop, chop. They took about an inch off and made it all even.
Tada! Look at me with glitter in my hair and all pretty!
Here she is putting her hair in and card to get a toy. You can sort of see the purple glitter. I must say I was happy with it, many told me they are expensive but I pay $14 for Evan's haircuts at the barber, and Lauren's was $17.99 but I had a $3 $14.99, not too bad.
And now off to the movie. I must say this Barbie movie was pretty good. They used the song I'm Unbelievable through the movie with different words. It was pretty funny. There were some amusing parts for the adults and Lauren liked dancing and saying 1 for all and all for 1. It was nice to see women as Musketeers even if they did use perfume to termporarily blind people. All the little girls in the theatre seemed to enjoy it and the cat in it even became a Musketeer and beat up on a dog. One little girl exclaimed on the way out that "it was the best Barbie movie ever".
Hugs for Barbie.

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