

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

9/9/09: Evan's Pre-School Orientation

Today was orientation at the Learning Garden. Here is last year for reference. Here he is so excited to go.
Ready to go.
And another shot by the tree which he requested.
His sister there for support.
Showing off the backpack.
And here is his welcome to the school. These are the kids in his class. And just like Mommy remembers of course you have to get homework on the first day of school. The theme for the year is traveling the continents and Evan needs a Passport. He has to bring in a baby picture and recent picture. We already got the date of our first field trip to Smolak Farms. And just like last year we will have parent/teacher conferences, school pictures, seasonal parties for Halloween, Christmas and Valentine's Day, celebration of their birthday, and a show and tell box (Treasure Box) that will come home with them which we need to put something in for them to describe to the class. They even have a Family Picnic.
Almost time!
Is it time yet?
And here he is with his teacher Mrs. McFeeley.
Have a fun year Evan travelling the World!

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