

Friday, September 11, 2009

9/11/09: Pre-School Year 2 Day 1

Today was Evan's first day of school at the Learning Garden in Mrs. McFeeley's class. Here was last year. My little boy is getting so big. Today G was the letter of the day. He was so excited today and wondering why I was still hanging around. Guess he is an old pro and wanted good old Mommy gone. Lauren also joined us and thought she was going to school. Poor little girl was upset she didn't have a name tag there. She had her backpack and everything.
Lauren excited too!

Daddy with Evan wishing him luck on his first day.
His Lightening McQueen Folder.
Lauren all set to go.
Oh, so sweet!
In front of his school.
Mommy and Lauren wishing Evan good luck in front of school.
Hugs for Evan! I love you big brother.
Is it time yet?
Lauren thinks she is really going too.
Getting stamped with the letter of the day.
Sitting on the rug ready to go!
Bye honey, have a wonderful day and we will see you for Friendly's after. (My little tradition to go out to lunch after the first day of school. Been doing it since I started with my Mom.)

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