

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

3/17/10: Perpetual Motion Fun

We love to try out playspaces. When I got the newsletter from Family Resource Network which included a sign up for going to Perpetual Motion Playspace in Lowell for 2 hours for free I jumped at the chance. Tonight we went. When we pulled in I was a little nervous as it did not look like the best place to go. As we went up the stairs even Evan made the comment that the stairs were old. I was a little leery, but again it was free. Typically it is $9.50 per kid and $12.50 for 6 and up that can go in both play areas.
With all the yucky rainy weather we have been having the kids were very excited to be able to go on the swings.

Of course Evan loves anything that involves Trains.

Lauren having fun.
Evan in the ball pit. Lauren enjoyed this area. She kept climbing up and going down the slide in to the balls.
A view of the Train.
The rest of the train. There was also a sandbox but even my kids didn't want to go in with just their socks and get too dirty.
On the other side is the 6 and up area with many things to climb and navigate. And this was the eating area. They had a concession stand. We got a free slice of pizza and juice. The pizza in my opinion was not very good and the kids didn't really like it either. Prices seemed reasonable.

Overall we had a good time. Here is a short virtual tour I took with my Flip:

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