

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

3/9/10: Activity Mom

As I was at Gymnastics last night I got talking to another Mom there (she has two the same age gap as mine just a year younger), she asked me about Swim. I went on to describe the levels at the Y of Pike, Eel, Ray, and then went on to ask me about T-ball. We had also done that so I explained what the league was like. Then we got talking about Ice Skating, Soccer, Dance, etc. and she turned to me and said so you are an "Activity Mom". Hmmm, I had never been labeled like this but as I thought I about it maybe she is right. Is this a bad thing? I don't think so as long as they enjoy it that is all that counts. I have the type of kids that ask every night is tonight Gymnastics? All excited to go.
I love for the kids to try out many things and constantly scour the internet for Library activities (tonight we are going to a Movie at one) and other things going on. I love the smile on their face as they accomplish something. I am the Mom pressed up against the glass watching everything the kids do. For example Lauren had a huge grin on her face the other day as she swam all by herself with the teacher and no Mommy. Evan is so proud when he skates across the ice and gives me a thumbs up. I started the kids in activities around 1. So far Evan has done Gymboree classes, Soccer, T-ball, Ice Skating, Swim, Gymnastics and I was considering Karate. Lauren has done Gymboree classes, Gym and Swim, Dance, Gymnastics and Swim. They also have gone to many Music Times at the local libraries. To me it is all worth it. I know some people disagree but different strokes for different folks, it is what makes the world go round.
Maybe this is learned as I also grew up in a house with an "Activity Mom". I tried everything as a child. What my Mom would soon find out is that I only stuck with things that came naturally to me. This ended up being Baton and Dance. In both I was one of the 5 featured twirlers/dancers competing in competitions and taking private lessons in both. Eventually I taught Dance at the age of 12 and would continue through college where I started a Dance club for Gym Credit. We spent many weekends at competitions and every Saturday in Rhode Island for my coach's lessons with me for 3 hours. I even had my dresses for modeling designed by my Mom and made by a dressmaker. I also did swimming, gymnastics, ice skating, karate, etc. I guess this is just what I am used to.
Here are some posts about the classes and Sports posts we have taken.

Comment and let me know if you are an Activity Mom?


  1. I think it's excellent Gilda!! I feel also that I am an "activity Mom." And there is nothing wrong with it. I would NEVER push my kids to do something they don't want to do, though. In fact, they get upset sometimes because they can't do everything they want because things conflict with each other. Jack has and/or is doing basketball, T-ball, baseball, swimming lessons, skating, karate and soccer. And Brooke dance (ballet and tap), swimming and soccer, although it's just the beginning. And we attend weekly story times at the library too. As they get older, these sports tend to last longer, like Jack's baseball this season will consist of two nights a week practice and games on Saturdays. Making for a tighter schedule. But, by all means, put them in everything while they are young and they will persue what "fits" them best.... Brooke also gets upset that she has to wait a whole week until the next ballet class or swim lesson... Sounds like we're on a similar track here, the right track! We're both huge Disney fans as well. Kepp doing what you're doing!! : )

  2. not sure how to do this though, I personally need some "activites" myself, computer lessons, lol... It's Colleen!

  3. Hmmmm... does it count if I want to be an "Activity Mom" ? :) My daughter is just barely a year old. I'm already checking out activities for her age group where we are moving this/next month. I want her to try alot of things and then decide what she likes and wants to do. Of course with a baby on the way, I think we will minimize our schedule. She already has a swim diaper (2 different sizes/cloth) since last summer. Maybe I'll get her dad to take her out to swim this summer. :) Heather

  4. How do you all find the time for all these activities? Between my hubby and I both working full-time jobs, and trying to get household things done in the short evening time frame before bedtime and on weekends, the most activities my 2.5 yr old Claire has done thus far is swim lessons every Sat AM for the last year. I'm not even thinking about additional activities until she's at least 3-4 yrs old. When I grew up, I didn't do any activities until I was about 5 and even then it was only one activity at a time/season, and one that could be done at the same time as a sibling. Maybe because I was one of 5 kids in my family...
