

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

3/29/11: Things You Thought You Never Could Do

There are many things I never thought I had the ability to do. Being an analytical, left brain type of person who is very scientific and mathematically driven anything creative seemed to be a challenge. Once I had kids I think I have been able to overcome this challenge a bit.

In my previous post "She's Crafty" I also explained that I was really in to scrapbooking since having the kids in addition to making crafts and cake decorating. These are things that don't come naturally to me, and you can tell an engineer did them as everything is so symmetric. I took a Wilton Class at Michael's that was well worth the money. I only took course 1 but was able to learn how to make leaves, flowers, and the basics of cake decorating. So far I have made many cakes for the kids birthdays including, this Princess Castle (which a friend had for her party and paid over $100 for). I never thought I would be able to make these creations, but low and behold I was able to. I highly recommend a Wilton Course at your local Craft store if you have any interest.

My favorite, the Mickey Mouse Cake. This was only my second cake. I was quite proud of it. Dora. And another one of my favorites, a Tinker Bell cake.Fire Truck for Evan.

For my husband's birthday.

Graveyard for our Annual Monster Mash.

I am looking forward to other things I will challenge myself with due to the love of my kids and trying new things.

What things have you tried that have been a challenge to you? Comment and let me know.

1 comment:

  1. AWesome cakes! I paid $50 at our local bakery for the first princess one - how did you manage that one on your own? I don't think I would have the patience
    The Mickey one ROCKS!! I would have been more than proud!
