

Thursday, May 5, 2011

5/5/11: Mom's Night Out at the Burlington Mall

Tonight my parents were nice enough to pick up the kids from Gymnastics and take them out to shop for Mother's Day and go to the Pancake House so that I could go to Mom's Night Out at the Burlington Mall.  My friend Mommy Niri was also sponsoring it and there with a table with lots of cool prizes so I thought I would go and support her.  We met back in a Gymboree class when our kids were little and bonded over the fact that our kids were both the same ages.  When we met we had our littles ones in Baby Carriers as the other one ran all over Gymboree class.  She has done an awesome job with her blog so check it out.
Check out her spread!
And even a cake with her logo.
After I got home there was the most beautiful rainbow in front of our house.  I had to take a picture of it. 
I even got my nails painted at the Mall for free so that was cool.


  1. MNO rulz! Love getting out and enjoying some time with my mommy posse.

  2. Glad you had a good time at MNO. Plus a free mani and a rainbow? Awesome!
    I need a moms night out in a bad way!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Bummed I missed this, looks like fun:)

    following you from bloggy moms (mass blogger hop)
